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PANYNJ Manhattan Pier 34   1999 - 2001

Throwin' it back 14 years to January 11 2001

PANYNJ Manhattan Pier 34   1999 - 2001

January 11, 2001

Throwin' it back 14 years to January 11, 2001

On January 11 2001 I was charged with violating the hours of operation of Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Pier 34.

January 11 2001 was a frigid night on the Manhattan shoreline of the Hudson River. I was sound asleep in my north face sleeping bag and gore-tex bivouac shell, using a Thermarest ground pad 150 yards out on the concrete pier PANYNJ Pier 34 at dawn when I was awoken by NYPD Officer Lilly who drove up the Pier in an NYPD Parks SUV; I was arrested for violating the hours of operation of the Pier. I had slept at the same spot on the pier the majority of 1999 and 2000, and would continue to sleep there the majority of nights to come in 2001 through the tragedy of 9/11/01. I never slept on Pier 34 thereafter.

I lived without domicile from the end of 1998 through the beginning of 2005. During that time period, I slept outside every night, the majority of such time in one of three locations: the first of such three locations, from the end of 1999 through September 11th 2001 I slept on the Manhattan Pier on the Hudson River which Pier connects to the ventilation tower to the Holland Tunnel near to Spring Street and Canal Street - the Pier is 'Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Pier 34'. www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/TTSWiborg.php, www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/TTSOldTownBeachSH.php , www.twentyfirstcenturydigital.com/Beach2000-2005.php



I rented a storage unit a few blocks away, at Manhattan Mini Storage on Varick and Spring for less than $100 per month, where I kept a sleeping bag and other gear and belongings; I never spent any time on the Pier during the day those years; every night I would retrieve my North Face sleeping bag and North Face bivouac, walk to the pier, and sleep at a bench on the pier; every morning I would vacate the pier upon waking, and lock my gear in Manhattan Mini Storage at Varick and Spring Street (next door to the new Trump SoHo).

Winter 1999 and winter 2000 for about a year year and a half I slept every night on the Pier. I'd get my sleeping bag (and tarp/rope if it were raining) every night and hike out to the pier from Spring and Varick to Canal Street and the Hudson River. After sleeping I'd lock my sleeping gear in storage and retrieve cooking gear and make eggs or oats at Vesuvio Park at Spring and Thompson every morning, then go to Bally's gym to shower.

After 9/11 I no longer used the pier. I used the same storage facility at Spring and Varick, and also had storage with camping gear in both Southampton and East Hampton. After 9/11 when in the city I'd generally take the subway and city bus to Jacob Riis Park and camp there each night then return to sSpring Street. But by 2002 75% of the year, through 2005, I camped on the beach in East Hampton and Southampton, and worked on the Hampton Jitney. In 2005 I moved into an apartment in Manhattan. From 2005 to 2006 I worked at Bear Stearns as adminsitrative assistrant in their compliance department on Park Avenue in Manhattan, then went to law school 2006-2009, then NYU Stern School of Business 2009-2011 for my MBA.

In Manhattan, Southampton, and East Hampton, during 1999-2005, variously, my presence on the Pier or park or beach caused law enforcement to issue summons or caused my arrest to answer in law for my action.

JANUARY 11, 2001      01/11/2001

One such occasion was January 11 2001 on Pier 34. The allegation that I had violated the hours of operation of the Pier were dismissed in Manhattan Criminal Court on April 17 2001.    A transcript of court proceedings at 100 Centre Street Manhattan Criminal Court on date of dismissal April 14 2001 can be reviewed below, and, pictures of the pier (PANYNJ Pier 34), plus links to related materials are below:









TTS 2001 Title I discussed April 17 2001 Manhattan Criminal Court 100 Centre Street






Pictures of PANYNJ Pier 34


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While living without domicile during 1998-2005, I necessarily slept/camped outside, almost exclusively at one of three locations : in Manhattan at Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Pier 34 which Pier houses the ventilation tower for the Holland Tunnel at Canal Street on the NY side of the tunnel, in East Hampton NY village at Wiborg Beach, or, in Southampton NY village at Old Town Beach. On limited occasion in 1998-1999 I slept/camped in Central Park, NY and also on limited occasion in the aftermath of the tragedy of 9/11/2001 I slept/camped nightly at Jacob Riis park in the Rockaways, NY, or near the Little Red Lighthouse in the park under the George Washington Bridge in Washington Heights, NY.



 My Uncle took this photo. He was visiting NY and we went for dinner in SoHo, I took him out to show him the Pier. There are views of Travelers Group Neon Umbrella, Empire State Building, former Twin Towers, Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor and NJ

In the mornings, I'd put my sleeping bag in Manhattan Mini-Storage on Spring Street, and then go cook my meals-usually eggs or oatmeal- at the picnic tables at Spring and Thompson in SoHo. Then I'd shower either in Central Park at the Tennis Courts or Ballys gym.  During Spring, Summer and Fall 1999 I worked for the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center telemarketing for the Chamber Music Society's 1999-2000 Season at Alice Tully Hall every night from 5-9, then I'd camp on the Pier. I saved the money to buy tarps, etc...



I would also estimate that I cooked oats at Vesuvio Park in SoHo Manhattan at Spring Street and Varick Street about 300 mornings; I would never bring anything except my sleeping gear to Pier 34, after sleep I would leave the pier soon after sunrise and stow the gear in storage on Varick (across from Trump SoHo) and retrieve my "kitchen ware which was set so that upon arrival at Vesuvio Park I could make my oats and coffee or eggs or potatos or pasta etc

 Prior to September 11th I slept year round on Pier 34 in Manhattan, the Port Authority pier that gives access to the Holland Tunnel ventilation tower.

 In the mornings, I'd put my sleeping bag in Manhattan Mini-Storage on Spring Street and Varick, and then go cook my meals-usually eggs or oatmeal- at ...the picnic tables at Spring and Thompson in SoHo. Then I'd shower either in Central Park at the Tennis Courts or Ballys gym.

 The entrance to the SoHo DKNY is across the street from the park. I was there every day for a meal for over a year. During inclement weather I'd rig a tarp so that rainfall wouldn’t interrupt that meal. A tenant in the building took this photo and gave it to me.


The Pier was actually locked every night from 11 PM till 6 AM, and regularly patrolled by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police. I slept soundly every night about 1500 yards out into the Hudson at the end of the Pier, within site of PANYNJ Patrol Gate.

 I was almost never on the Pier during the day during those years, just at night to sleep. I have an album on FB title PANYNJ with some pics of the Pier.

I would also estimate that I cooked oats at Vesuvio Park in SoHo Manhattan at Spring Street and Varick Street about 300 mornings; I would never bring anything except my sleeping gear to Pier 34, after sleep I would leave the pier soon after sunrise and stow the gear in storage on Varick (across from Trump SoHo) and retrieve my "kitchen ware which was set so that upon arrival at Vesuvio Park I could make my oats and coffee or eggs or potatos or pasta etc.



On 14 occasions between 1999 and 2005 charges brought against me for camping or violating the hours of operation of a park in East Hampton, Southampton, and Manhattan were dismissed. I was never charged on Fire Island.

I am in complete agreement with the prerogative of law enforcement agencies and courts to exercise authority to prosecute and penalize for violations of ordinances prohibiting camping without a permit or violating the hours of operation of any park or locale. In no instance have I challenged that prerogative. Rather, I made the case that I was camping due to a set of extenuating circumstances.

 In each of the 17 proceedings I was in front of multiple Judges on numerous occasions, and a host of District Attorneys prosecuted the cases.

 I was camping of my own volition given my love for the sport and extenuating circumstances. These violations were appropriately adjudicated in court in accordance with protocol and in keeping with applicable jurisprudence.

 On 14 occasions between 1999 and 2005 charges brought against me for camping or violating the hours of operation of a park in East Hampton, Southampton, and Manhattan were dismissed. I was never charged on Fire Island.

5 weeks on Fire Island I rented a room during the winter of 2001 , but apart from that 365 days a year I slept outside from 1999-2005, well over 1500 nights, in East Hampton Village, Southampton Village, and the NY City. In Manhattan I mostly used PANYNJ Pier 34, but I also used Jacob Riis Park in the Rockaways, Central Park, and a park near the GW Bridge. I kept my equipment and possessions in storage facilities in each place. I maintained inexpensive gym memberships in each place, where I'd shower without fail every day. Most of the time I was on a very tight budget- I cooked all my meals using an MSR stove (lots of oats, pasta, potatoes, etc). I was never ticketed for doing so.

I pled guilty to camping in 3 court proceedings, one in East Hampton, one in Manhattan, and one in Southampton described below.

I truly slept well outside, staying in the very same park or beach year round where these violations occurred: on PANYNJ Pier 34, Old Towne Beach in Southampton, and between Main Beach and Wiborg Beach in East Hampton. When I was ticketed, I'd continue using the same locale during the course of proceedings which generally went on for months.



















Please note, today in 2015, my most contemporaneous related filings to the unresolved matter which displaced me to the Pier are my December 3 2014 filings in Amex v Dan, and, aff of service January 2015 and financial statement to NYHESC in the matter of Student Loans of DMR:






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Public Notice January 15, 2015      21st Century Digital ®