21st Century Digital


TTS 2001 Title I


In 2001, on May 4th 2001 I answered charges of camping on the beach in East Hampton New York by filing TTS 2001 Title I with East Hampton Village Court Justice Catherine Cahill and East Hampton Village Prosecutor Dan Rogers.

I incorporated my TTS July 2000 OCC McKinney List into TTS 2001 Title I, as well as my "Compiled as of 1/11/01" List, and my 4/5/1999 filings, and so on. I did my best to try to resolve matters in East Hampton, at the Social Security Administration, the IRS, Manhattan Criminal Court, the US Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Reserve, the OCC, and so on all the while I was without domicile and on a budget of about $700 per month SSD benefits about half of which monthly went to pay for my storage space where I kept my tarps and sleeping bags and oats and and pots and pans, plus to pay for my gym membership so I could shower. Plus I needed to pay for a MetroCard for the subway in the city, or for the LIRR. And, during those years, I saved for sleepings bags, maintaining my bicycle, tents, appropriate socks for winter, etc. I bought my first heavy sleeping bag during winter of 2000 I think, from money earned by sellling Christmas trees in SoHo. I actually did not buy a tent until 2003 I think, when I started to have extra revenue from the Hampton Jitney, which also permitted me to increase the dollar amount I could devote to my legal filings. Beginning in around then I generated TTS Title II, and several bound booklets which I filed with SSA, and the courts in Manhattan, East Hampton, and Southampton, with copies for the judge, the prosecution, and to keep on file. For example, I compiled my 2003 Affirmation Affidavit, which re-affirms a number of affidavits I wrote 1997-2002 regarding the subject matter of my arrest on felony grand larceny, my receipt of SSA benefits, my camping on the beach, etc- all in effort to resolve the byzantine debacle which would not advance towards resolve. Here is a sampling of images of items from TTS 2001 Title I and my Affirmation Affidavit. In due course I will write further on the story that these documents tell. And, as always has been the case, I tell such story and peserve such documents with the hopes that appropriate resolution will be had over time. The following, again, is a sampling of Title I and related documents. This is not everything from 1997-2003, but contains some important documentation. Everyhing here should be on file with multiple state and federal agencies and courts where they were filed on multiple occasions during those years:


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Please note, today in 2015, my most contemporaneous related filings to the unresolved matter which displaced me to the Pier are my December 3 2014 filings in Amex v Dan, and, aff of service January 2015 and financial statement to NYHESC in the matter of Student Loans of DMR:

















® 21st Century Digital  ™                                     © 21st Century Digital 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

21st Century Digital ™ is both a common law and statutory trademark. Common law rights in the Mark inhere with the establishment of Sole Proprietorship Twenty First Century Digital by Proprietor Daniel M Rosenblum December 9th 1996 New York New York and continued use to date. Please see above and below for more information on common law trademark use and rights.
21st Century Digital® has four (4) USPTO Trademark Registrations:
 USPTO ®™  Registration Number 4,007,885  Registered Aug. 9, 2011 USPTO International Class 35: Advertising and Business
USPTO ®™  Registration Number 4,051,315   Registered Nov. 8, 2011  USPTO International Class 36: Financial Services 
USPTO ®™  Registration Number 4,051,315 Registered Nov. 8, 2011 USPTO International Class 38: Telecommunications
 USPTO ®™  Registration Number 3,626,967 Registered May 26, 2009 USPTO International Class 42: Computer/Internet R & D 

A patent application for a "21st Century Digital™ Network" was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on March 26, 2008 and published on October 1, 2009 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office as Publication Number US 2009/0248536 Al; USPTO Publication US 2009/0248536 Al is five (5) pages in entirety including the drawing of the invention and can be viewed on the USPTO website Patent Application Retrieval (PAIR) system. No patent for a "21st Century Digital Network" product granted to date, nor is one pending. The status of the patent application at the United States Patent and Trademark Office is "abandoned" as of March 23rd, 2012, for applicant failure to respond to a USPTO Office Action Notice of Final Rejection September 9 2011. Applicant's most recent filing on USPTO patent application for a "21st Century Digital™ Network", USPTO Publication Number US 2009/0248536 Al, one hundred and fifty two pages regarding the 21st Century Digital Network product was filed July 2011 and is also viewable on the USPTO website Patent Application Retrieval (PAIR) system.

Public Notice January 15, 2015      21st Century Digital ®